National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation 2024 Annual Summit

Our very own Matt Hughes and Chris Kelly recently flew over from our UK office to attend this year’s 2024 NPHI Summit in Kansas City—designed exclusively for NPHI members and affiliates—and returned with a great many new connections and invaluable insights from industry-leading professionals.

The National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation (NPHI) is a membership organization comprised of 100+ not-for-profit, community-integrated hospice and palliative care providers, representing providers from 37 states and Washington, D.C. NPHI’s fundamental goal is to positively influence how individuals and institutions think about the final stages of life, helping design more innovative and effective models of care and advocating for comprehensive end-of-life care consistent with the individual goals, values and preferences of patients and their families. End-of-life care can only be done right the first time, which is why NPHI and its members endeavor to ensure individuals can focus on quality and comfort during their final moments. NPHI’s unwavering commitment to people over profits is evident as a leading voice within the community.

Their annual, three-day, hybrid event, which was held this year on May 7–9 at the Westin Kansas City at Crown Center, provides opportunities for member engagement and networking, fostering the development of forward-thinking and innovative solutions tailored to the dynamic hospice sector. Keynote speakers shared the latest innovations, including strategic information and creative ideas aimed at advancing the hospice movement. Breakout sessions on various topics also provided the opportunity to exchange best practices with colleagues and build collaboration between national thought leaders, decision-makers, and other healthcare stakeholders to improve hospice care.

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Matt, our Head of Development, and Chris, one of our Business Development Managers, used every available opportunity to not only meet with representatives from a handful of our existing partner venues, but also to network with other professionals within the community to share ideas and showcase Partner Plus Media’s unique and innovative No-Cost Program.

The 2024 Summit Program was designed, printed and delivered by Partner Plus Media directly to the event and made available on a complimentary basis to all in attendance. The Summit Program shone as an example of our No-Cost Program, in which we create branded hospice and palliative care guides for hospice organizations to help cultivate referral sources, grow their census, increase community engagement and education, and reduce costs. 

Thank you, Matt and Chris, for being such fantastic representatives for Partner Plus Media. We are grateful for your commitment to excellence and look forward to building new partnerships and strengthening existing relationships with our wonderful hospice partners.

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